Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Last year's "holiday todo list" is thus finally completed. The last touches to SpongeBop's behaviour were introduced mid-June, multi-palette support was released in March, ink hurts (when configured in that way) and (of course), we do have compound-animation for Bilou since September 1st, 2012, and I fixed much more than just the "landing bug".

What's up for this year's holiday ? I've got pendats animation (well, not the full set of actions, just the simple walk) and a first draft of verso-the-eraser. I just have used the last 70$ of NeoCompo prize to order a replacement part for my fridge (15°C cooling is not funny), and I still have much drilling and sawing to do outdoor to make the garden kids-friendly.

Si sur le devant de la scène je prend enfin le temps de mettre en ligne toutes ces réflexions sur le gameplay de Mario World, en coulisses, la révision de l'éditeur de niveau atteint le stade "tests intensifs". L'objectif ? Pouvoir enfin ajouter de manière fiable des monstres, encore des monstres, et pouvoir les lier les uns aux autres (indispensable pour SpongeBop) sans devoir passer par le PC et son éditeur de texte ... Mais le reste (clonage de niveau, wizards, etc) devra attendre: la Neo Compo 2013 approche à grands pas et j'aimerais pouvoir y présenter une première version de Deep Ink Pit ... si libntxm veut bien ... et la VTJ aussi.

The critical item to get started on a "deep ink pit" map right now is the level editor, which must be capable of cloning monsters that are attached to other monsters without messing up the level commands. It's still in "testing and fixing" stage, though. Then, I'll need something that makes the ink moving up ... that will involve a custom effect of some sort, as that's not something the state machines will easily handle.

I hadn't got much luck with musics so far: Both Piek's and Piet's tune play weirdly on the Nintendo DS... Deep ink pit will feature yet another song and if that one doesn't work properly either, fixes/level-up will be required on libntxm.

Will this be completed for NeoCompo 2013's deadline ?

Oh, btw, translation of Saturday's post is at last completed. 

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